

Transforming shame, guilt and anxiety through

a salutogenic PP1.0 and PP2.0 counselling framework im Counselling Psychology Quarterly 

Claude–Hélène Mayer, Elisabeth Vanderheiden & Rudolf M Oosthuizen


Salutogenesis is the study of what keeps people healthy and how to develop health. It is a theory introduced by the medical sociologist, Aaron Antonovsky, in the late 1970s. Contemporary salutogenesis is an internationally well-researched theory. It was previously placed in a positive psychology framework (PP1.0) as a theory. In this article, the authors discuss how salutogenesis and the second wave of positive psychology (PP2.0) can contribute to developing the mental health and well-being of individuals in the counselling context. They focus on the emotions of shame, guilt and anxiety and their impact on counselling. The article further presents a conceptual approach to deal with shame, guilt and anxiety from a salutogenic and PP2.0 perspective to transform emotions that are experienced negatively into positive experiences. This salutogenic transformation can contribute to the growth, mental health and well-being of individuals. One case example from counselling practice is given. The article closes with conclusions and theoretical and practical recommendations for counselling.


KEYWORDS: Salutogenesis, mental health, positive psychology, shame, guilt, anxiety, counselling


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